############ Functions and Docstrings Tutorial #################
# Function helps in code reuseability
## Example of built in function
a = 9
b = 8
# Sum is a inbuilt function in Python
# takes tuple or list (more, general Iterables) as input
c = sum((a,b))
print(c) # Output : 17
## Example of user defined function
## The keyword def introduces a function definition.
# It must be followed by the function name and
# the parenthesized list of formal parameters.
# The statements that form the body of the function
# start at the next line, and must be indented.
def function1():
print("Hello you are in function 1")
function1() # Output : Hello you are in function 1
##### Functions with Parameter & Return Statement ####
# The 'return' statement returns with a value from a function.
# 'return' without an expression argument returns None
# if no 'return' statement used in function ,
# then function returns None
# Output : Hello you are in function 1 (due to function call)
# : None (due to no return statement)
## Functions with parameters
def function2(a,b):
print("You are in function 2,","Sum :",a+b)
# Output :You are in function 2, Sum : 12
def function3(a,b):
average = (a+b)/2
print("Average :",average)
# Output : Average : 6.0
# If we want to store value calculated by function in a variable
# We have to use return statement
def function4(a,b):
average = (a+b)/2
# print("Average :",average)
return average
val = function4(5,7)
# Output : 6.0
################ Doc strings ##################
# Used to store information about function
# """ Documentation """ or ''' Documentation '''
# # This is not a comment but docstring ...
# ...if written as first line in function
# written elsewhere in function treated as comment
def function5(a,b):
'''This is a function which calculates average of two numbers'''
average = (a+b)/2
return average
# Output : This is a function which calculates average of two numbers
# docstring is helpful to know about functions
# in diiferent imported modules
# Also if we have large no. of functions
# we can use docstring to know about function


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